So, I started school the end of September, and was completely overwhelmed at how much was then being asked of me. This week, I have had kids home sick with the flu. That on top of a paper due and the first exam in the Western Civ. class that I am finding myself struggling in, is not a good combination. 8 years since I really have been in school is a long time to forget the simple basics of how to study, how footnotes work, how to retain information from a lecture. That on top of everything else going on in my life, and it's amazing I'm still standing. Better yet, because of the great friends I seem to have picked up along the way, I am able to smile.
A real, genuine smile that seems to have been plastered on to keep people from seeing the hurt, from seeing all the conflicting emotions I have had for a long time now. True friends that have asked me, and some all but forced me, to open up, to trust again and allow them the chance to help. That has helped me to grow, to recover, better than the one I have had that was telling me how to fix it, how to recover, going off of not much more than my inability to put into words what I am going through and how it made me feel, and his own feelings and insecurities.
A person can only learn lessons, recover from bad experiences, as fast as they are able. Not every person can do it the speed of light, let it all just roll off their back and be unaffected. Some situations cut deeper, hit harder, and hurt more than expected, and more than allows for the ability to let it all just roll off your back. If you push someone to recover and bounce back fast than they are able then you cause more damage than good.
I guess where I am going with this bit of rambling is that I am very grateful and thankful for those friends in my life that have allowed me the chance to do this on my own. The ones that have been there when needed, even if it is just someone to talk to about goofy stuff.